Dec. 28, 2010
One of the last things Cory said to me last night was to remind me that a storm was coming late Tuesday/early Wednesday so I should take the kids outside while it was nice today. I cleaned out the garage (something I do a lot because I am always collecting "stuff" and I need to go through the stuff and whittle it down to the things I will actually use). While I cleaned out the garage the kids played on the grass right by it and had some fun of their own. They hiked around in the dirt, went camping, built a fire, ran down the hill, laughed, cried... it was good.
I usually get timid to do stuff like this by my self because I am worried I won't get anything done or I think that I have to keep my eyes on them every second. Because of this fear i wait until Cory is home and so we can watch the kids and work on the garage together or whatever the project is. Yikes! I need to relax.
Needless to say the garage is organized and swept, the kids are alive and unhurt and I feel charged up to take on another task tomorrow.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
17 hours ago
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