Dumbo was by far my favorite ride. I love it best because it was just me and Caleb. Grandma bought the boys awesome balloons while Jesus and I waited in line for the Dumbo ride. The balloons kept Caleb entertained while Alison, Grandma and Cory rested. The line wasn't horrible but as I watched Jesus struggle with Patrick while we waited for our turn to ride I was so grateful Cory had offered to keep Caleb with him until it was our turn. Our turn arrived and Caleb and I got in our Dumbo, Cory took a few pictures and we were off. Caleb absolutely loved it. We went as high as the control stick would allow our Dumbo to fly and then down so Cory took an action picture. Can you see how happy Caleb is? I felt just as happy. After the ride, I found out Patrick had the polar opposite experience, he screamed and cried the whole time. Jesus said it was awful!
four things | nineteen
2 days ago
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