Monday, January 7, 2013

Bright and warm and wonderful

 My two favorite gifts from Christmas were a book and a new camera.  The book came from our favorite Texans It is Heaven is Here... by Stephanie Nielson.  I loved this book.  I read it whenever I could and was happy and sad as I read the last line of the book and closed it. Check out her blog:  You will not believe this woman!   She is ... honestly there are no words.  Throughout this book I kept thinking, "I want my mind and thoughts to be like hers: ever fixed on the Gospel and her [but for me 'my'] family."  There seems to be nothing more important to her than those two things.  Her trials are like the barren Mulberry tree in the picture above.  To one it may seem bleak and hopeless but under closer inspection the fallen leaves reveal the sun and the promise of Winter's end and Spring's arrival.  Through her book and blog she shares her faith and hope, One then see past her scars and into her deep emerald green eyes filled with the love and trust she has for Jesus Christ. 
We spent the night at Grandma Connie's on Friday for our weekly Pizza and a Movie night with her.  In the morning I caught the kids playing together and snapped a few pics with an awesome new camera.  I am not a great photographer but I can learn.
Our family motto is "We Can Do Hard Things!"  and through practice I hope to be better and better at photography.  I see so many great photos out there in blog land!  Keep sharing your talents.


Connie de said...

You're inspiring me girl!

Natalie said...

I love when I see all of my kids playing together, especially when Ellie gets involved. It's great to see their imaginations running wild.

By the way, my photography blog is kind of dead right now. I just haven't had the time to keep it up. You can't see my personal blog from my profile because I don't have it listed. But that's the one you should check out. It's